Being Born Again or Begotten Again

Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):

�Born Again� or �Begotten from Above�?

There is a great divergence between �begotten� and �born�. Begetal refers to conception whereas born refers to physical nascence. The Greek give-and-take, gennao, means conception or beget (when used of men) and physical nativity (when used of women). Unless a person is begotten of the line that arises from the original sowing, the bearing of YEHOVAH God, that person does not come to incorporate the power to perceive the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. This is what the Messiah said to Nicodemus!

past Arnold Kennedy


If always at that place was a demand to put aside pre-conceived ideas and teachings, there is a bully need to practice so in the nowadays use of the expression �born once more�. In that location is a common conception and presentation throughout the Christian globe that is an absolutely false and misleading error. The footing of the expression is found in the book of John:

John three:iii-5: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto ye except a human being be built-in again, he cannot meet the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How tin a human be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother�s womb and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be built-in of h2o and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is built-in of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel non that I said unto thee, Ye must be built-in once again."

In near translations, the words �born again� have been carried on in a traditional manner, suggesting that a 2nd �birth� is necessary to enter the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Many Bibles, in their margins, volition have �from higher up� showing this is what the original manuscripts have. When we look into the words really spoken, we find that it was Nicodemus who fabricated the suggestion about entering a second fourth dimension into his female parent�s womb. This was the interpretation that Nicodemus put on the Messiah�south words, just the Messiah did non say anything well-nigh a 2nd fourth dimension -- even if the translations brand him appear to say he did. THE MESSIAH DID NOT USE THE WORD �AGAIN�! At that place is no manuscript at all that says the Messiah used the word �once more�. The discussion deuteros that Nicodemus spoke appears in the New Attestation 44 times, and information technology e'er means twice, again, etc.

The Messiah did non utilise this word deuteros; the Messiah used the word anothen.

Stiff's G509 anothen "Includes from above, or from the first."

Thayer anothen "Used of things that come from heaven [from YEHOVAH God], or from a higher [upper] place, or from the very first, or from the origin."

Knowing this one discussion departure helps understanding and shows upwardly the problems there are with the popular concept. The Messiah confirmed to Nicodemus that he was non speaking of a second birth when he told Nicodemus that he was referring to being born of water and of spirit. The Messiah did not use the future tense, as did Nicodemus. The Messiah was speaking of something that existed at the fourth dimension of speaking. The Christian Church building has picked upwardly the words Nicodemus spoke, rather than the words of the Messiah. Yeshua chided Nicodemus for non knowing these things (verse 10). Likewise today, our teachers demand chiding for the same reason of not knowing these things. The Messiah went on to say that not every person is begotten from physical nascency of the spirit, noting that which is of flesh is of the flesh, being born that mode at concrete nascence.


The word anothen that the Messiah uses appears 14 times in the New Testament and it does not have a significant similar to deuteros (2nd time) or pallin (again) -- the latter being the give-and-take almost usually translated every bit �again�. The adverb anothen ever relates to place and is used of by or former time, but never the future fourth dimension. In club to hash out the discussion anothen, allow u.s.a. consider examples of how the discussion has been translated.

Matthew 27:51 and Mark 15:38: "the veil of the temple was hire in twain from the top to the bottom;"

Luke 1:3: "having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first."

John iii:31: "He that cometh from above is above all:"

John 19:11: "except it were given thee from to a higher place:"

John nineteen:23: "now the coat was without seam, woven from the peak throughout."

Acts 26:5: "Which knew me from the beginning,"

James one:17: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above."

James 3:17: "But the wisdom that is from above"

None of these signal �over again� in whatsoever sense.


Begetting and nativity are two vastly unlike events. Begetting -- every bit used of men -- is the action and process of conception, for example, "Abraham begat Isaac" (Matthew 1:16). Birth as used of woman, is movement from one surround to some other, for example, "Mary of whom Jesus was born" (Matthew ane-xvi). This word gennao varies with the context and it may have an abstract meaning also where information technology is used of figurative father-child relationships (1 Corinthians iv:fifteen).

This word �born� in John 3:three-5 is gennao and it is found 98 times in the New Attestation.

The sense ordinarily has connection with procreation; the nearly prominent meaning being beget or begotten . We must thus now make up one's mind the time when this bearing takes place. All modern teachers insist that people already built-in can be re-born in the futurity. But when used of a male, begotten is unremarkably about the fourth dimension of conception; when born is used of a female it is usually almost physical nativity.

Thayer "It is of flesh begetting children."

Vine "Chiefly used of men begetting children."

If nosotros want to sympathize its use in John 3:three-5, it is necessary to wait at the Greek -- which does not indicate future tense here. Modern theology or didactics likes to use the words in the hereafter tense (from tradition), merely this is a total error. Nosotros accept been taught so wrongly to use the words, "except a man be born once again" in the future tense that it is hard for many to think otherwise. Simply �be born� is indefinite with respect to time. The Messiah taught exactly what is taught throughout the Old Attestation -- namely that YEHOVAH�s race is built-in from an original sowing.

�Born of Water and of Spirit�

This is not only an interesting subject; merely John three:5 (" Except a man exist born of water and of the spirit" ) is a key verse. Because of the �and� we see there are Two requirements for perceiving the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God: water likewise every bit spirit . What is believed here determines which gospel is believed. We have the choice to believe that any homo of any race can "see the kingdom of God" or we can believe the limitation that the Messiah presents:

The word for h2o is hudor and it is used of water of all sorts. On its own it means nothing but water! Some religious so-called experts argue that the expression refers to baptism, only this cannot exist so because the thief on the tree went to paradise without being baptized. So nosotros have to look farther.

A person is begotten of water equally part of the natural procedure following biological conception, but the Messiah added the words, "and of the Spirit." This makes it clear that the power to embrace the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God is included at the time of conception. To determine what this is virtually, we must of necessity go dorsum to the Old Testament to meet who and what was begotten of the spirit. We can anticipate that the Erstwhile Testament will concur with the New Testament.

Who Did YEHOVAH God Beget?

Exodus 4:22: "Thus saith the LORD, State of israel is my son, even my firstborn."

Statements like this immediately exclude all the other races and, potentially, those before Jacob. And then, there is no need to get farther dorsum in the Bible, apart from noting that both Abraham and Sarah were from the Adamic seed. They could not have been from the pre-Adamic or other after seed-lines. When YEHOVAH God visited Abram and Sara He regenerated their power to conceive a child and commemorated the outcome by changing their names, adding the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet into their names -- Abraham and Sarah. This number is connected with the spirit of YEHOVAH God!

The life in Sarah�s womb was spirit-endowed. At present, consider these questions:

one). If Israel was YEHOVAH�south firstborn son, and then who are their offspring?

ii). For Israel to exist the son, then who is Israel�s father? Is it non YEHOVAH God?

three). Does not Israel originate from YEHOVAH God if Israel is His son?

Nowhere in the Bible can we observe any proffer of the humanist brotherhood of all men. YEHOVAH God is expressed as being the �Father of State of israel� ONLY. He is the father of all men OF State of israel, not all men of all races.

The Messiah taught his disciples (all Israelites only) to pray maxim, "our Father which art in sky." This is better translated "our Male parent, the One in heaven." Neither YEHOVAH God nor man can be called a begetter until they have begotten offspring. There is NO suggestion of a spiritual birth later in life. YEHOVAH God states that He is a Father in Exodus 4:22; therefore He begat offspring and is the father of all descendants from Israel. The campaigner Peter declares that we (Israelites to whom he was writing) are "begotten from above, not of corruptible seed, simply of incorruptible seed, by the Discussion of God."

It must be immediately pointed out that, in this poetry, the incorruptible seed of YEHOVAH God (the Father) is sporas rather than sperma. The meaning of this word sporas is " the sowing back in the past" , or "sown seed" and refers to the firstborn, Isaac -- conceived in Sarah�s womb afterwards YEHOVAH had regenerated Sarah�south and Abraham�southward ability to conceive a child. Information technology is now an appropriate place to look at Sarah and Abraham, who are shown to be the place (or origin), existence that originating stone or quarry and the pit.

Abraham and Sarah -- The Origin

Isaiah 51:one, 2: "Hearken unto me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him."

It is not necessary here to establish all the reasons as to why YEHOVAH God needed to make a new start with Abraham and Sarah. We have to accept that He did call Abraham alone. From this first, YEHOVAH made promises to Abraham that were to follow on to Abraham�s seed (zera). Only those built-in from this new showtime could comprehend the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. This outset was from YEHOVAH God considering YEHOVAH had regenerated Abraham and Sarah -- enabling them to bear ane kid. In this fashion Isaac was born because of YEHOVAH�south action.

From Adam to Abraham, Adam�s pure line independent the breath of life (run into Job 33:4), so where did the people come from who did not have the jiff of life? These men and women originated from Genesis one. Through misgenerative activeness -- (i.e. race mixing) -- racial pollution was introduced to the bloodstream of the sons of Adam, and we detect that YEHOVAH God sought to eliminate the products of such activity. Noah was �pure in his generations� (Genesis half-dozen:9), and and then he and his unmixed family unit were preserved. Later, the Children of Israel were to destroy the mixed brood of the Canaanites. These could not receive the things of the Spirit of YEHOVAH God. They could not witness in their spirit and say, " the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God " (Romans 8:16), every bit an Israelite is able to practise. This principle is a standing theme in the Bible.

Through Abraham and Sarah, YEHOVAH God established the basis for Abraham�s seed to go the Sons of YEHOVAH God (John one:12). YEHOVAH was making a new start with Abraham. None other than the seed of Abraham, through the son of hope, Isaac, has this opportunity or potential. Abraham�s seven other sons did non have this potential -- because they were born prior to Isaac. The descendants of Isaac were begotten of the spirit from their conception. This is why those among Isaac�s descendants who believe are regarded as being all-powerful by the spirit (Galatians 3:16).

Paul is able to declare, " now He which stablishes us with you lot in Christ, and has anointed us is God who has also sealed usa and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts" (two Corinthians 1:21, 22). In 1 Corinthians 2:7-16 Paul, confirming this, tells the brethren (kinsmen of the same womb of Sarah) that they have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit of YEHOVAH God (verse 12). He says that through this we might know (or cover) the things that are freely given to us, (the brethren), of YEHOVAH God. He goes on to further declare that the �natural� man (those non born of Isaac�south line) cannot receive the things of the spirit of YEHOVAH God. He affirms Yeshua�south statement that anyone who is non begotten of the original sowing (in the womb of Sarah) cannot see the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.

ane John 2:27: "But the anointing which you have received abideth in you,"

1 John three:9: "Whosoever is born of God doth non commit [exercise] sin, for his seed remaineth in him:"

1 John five:eighteen: "Nosotros know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not;"

There is this relationship between the �anointing�, the right �seed�, and existence begotten of YEHOVAH God.

�Formed from the Womb�

Isaiah 44:2: "Thus saith the LORD [YEHOVAH] that made thee [Israel], and formed thee from the womb,"

In what mode would Israel be formed in the womb? Whose womb? The word beten means what we mean today by the womb. Men do non take a womb; Abraham did not have a womb, but Sarah did.

In Isaiah 51:ane, 2 as quoted higher up, speaking of Sarah, we find the womb described as " the pigsty of the pit ." This metaphor is a term that extends to the mount from which the Rock Kingdom is taken. This is YEHOVAH�s mine. James who was writing to the twelve tribes said , "OF HIS OWN Volition BEGAT HE [YEHOVAH GOD] US [ISRAELITES] WITH THE WORD OF TRUTH" (James i:18). Begat, as has been shown, is chiefly about conception, not physical birth.

Isaiah 43:1: "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel,�"

This verse indicates a difference between Israel and Jacob. Hither we have the one being created , and the other being formed. And then there are differences associated with the use of these words in different contexts.

Isaiah 44:24: "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things;�"

Hither again, the LORD is speaking to State of israel only. Nowhere in Scripture tin we find reference to the LORD beingness the redeemer of any other people apart from those of Israel who are "formed from the womb" . In the New Testament we still find reference to the womb of Sarah. Therefore information technology is as important equally ever in the New Testament, as well every bit in the Old Testament.

Romans 4:19: "And beingness not weak in religion, he considered not his ain body now expressionless, when he was about an hundred years erstwhile, neither the deadness of Sara�s womb:�"

Independent in the beginning verse of this chapter, nosotros see, "Abraham our begetter, as pertaining to the mankind ." The "begetter of united states of america all" (that is, Israelites) of verse 16 is Abraham afterwards the flesh. This however is not a spiritual rebirth. Recollect that Paul was writing to the House of Israel to whom he was sent.

Nicodemus, every bit a master or instructor in State of israel, should have known these things, the Messiah told him so, in no uncertain terms. Teachers today besides do not know these things. The womb of Sarah and the offspring from that womb have been spiritualized away! The common New Attestation give-and-take �brethren�, as has been shown, is "kinsmen of the womb." What other womb would this exist other than the womb of Sarah?

�He Came Unto His Ain� �Born of God�

John ane:11, 12: "He came unto his ain, and his own received him not. But every bit many equally received him, to them gave he the power to go the sons of God."

Quoting R. K. and R. N. Phillips in The Only Begotten God ,

"Verse 11 is almost completely misunderstood by the whole of Christendom today and the AV translation is the master cause of this misunderstanding�The word own appears twice in the verse -- simply in the starting time clause it is neuter gender while in the 2nd it is masculine. Therefore John is referring to two different things. The offset clause states that Jesus came to His ain possessions [neuter gender] -- His land, His Kingdom, His city, His temple. In the 2d clause the term His ain is the Greek term oi idios [masculine gender] which means, literally, the members of one�southward own household. In this case information technology refers only to those who had dominance over His Kingdom, city and Temple. (The vast bulk of Israel were scattered away in the Dispersion and, at that time, were yet classed as non my people.) Before nosotros tin can complete the translation of verse xi, nosotros have to expect at the offset of verse 12.

"The Greek text of verse 12 begins merely to those who did receive Him. In this clause and the last clause of verse eleven, we have another instance of the AV translating two different Greek words as one English language word -- in this case, received. The last clause of verse xi states, in upshot, that those who were ruling over His possessions neither received nor accepted Him [as the owner]. It points to outright rejection, not through ignorance [which is covered by the phrase does not recognise Him in poetry x], but by wilful refusal to accept Him as the rightful owner. However, in the offset sentence of poetry 12 the word received has the pregnant of to welcome or to accept willingly. Hence, while the Judean Nation rejected Him at a national level, in that location were individuals in that Nation who did both recognise and receive Him gladly. Verses xi and 12 read in the Greek text:

"v11 He comes unto his own [possessions] but The people [ruling over His possessions] refuse to take Him [as the rightful owner].

"v12 Simply to those who welcome Him, to The ones believing in His proper noun, to them He gives authority to [brand themselves] become [because of their behavior] children of God [again]."

They were not everyone on globe who was built-in of bloods (plural in Greek) or by the will of the flesh (John 1:10-13). The Messiah came to his household who were born past the volition of YEHOVAH God.

Thayer�s Dictionary "Household is used as stock, race, descendants of ane."

Phillips and Phillips again points out:

"The phrase translated the sons of God in verse 12 of the AV is quite incorrect. The Greek phrase is tekna theou which means children of God. Immature children, no doubt, but information technology does not mean sonship; for sonship points to growth and ultimate maturity. Nor does it have anything to do with the faux doctrine of �adoption�. On the reverse, the phrase forcefully asserts:

"a. the natural genetic relationship of a child with its truthful begetter and, hence,

"b. those children of God are the biological descendants of God Himself."

Note that John one:13 states:

"Which were born, non of claret [plural], nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the volition of man, simply of God."

To which Phillips and Phillips bespeak out:

"Poetry 13 states that those who were given the right to become children of God [once again] were those [begotten]:

"a. non out of bloods -- which is of ordinary human descent,

"b. nor out of [the] will of the flesh -- which was Sarah�s demand to have children by Hagar and Keturah,

"c. nor out of [the] will of a human -- which was Abraham�s desire for an heir,

"d. just out of God are begotten.

"The Greek verb begotten is PLURAL in this verse and so cannot be limited to the birth of Jesus�.

Isaac was not built-in of Abraham�s will. Abraham was past that. Isaac was begotten by YEHOVAH God�south will when He regenerated Abraham and Sarah�due south power to have a child -- and to requite that child an individually incorruptible spirit. Isaac was thus begotten from above, every bit are Isaac�s descendants from the time of their conception. In this portion of John 1 we discover the origin of those who can believe in the Messiah. Also nosotros notice where they did not (and do not) come from! The Messiah came only (alone) to those begotten from above past YEHOVAH God. He is shown to be the Redeemer of Merely his Kinsmen.

A person does not exercise his will in determining where and of what race he should exist begotten. The will gene of the person being born does not function in normal concrete formulation and birth. YEHOVAH God determined what seed a person is from that person�s male parent. YEHOVAH God knows who are begotten of the spirit from in a higher place. 2 Timothy 2:nineteen says, �God knows those that are His�. The give-and-take translated as �born� = gennao in the following Scriptures, is used in the genealogies and in all other places, as being begotten or conceived. Information technology does NOT chronicle to some spiritual birth.

John 1:13: "Which were built-in [begotten], non of blood�"

John 3:3: "Except a man be born over again�[that is, begotten from above]"

John 3:5: "Except a man be born [begotten] of water and of Spirit�"

John 3:8: "so is everyone who is built-in [begotten] of the Spirit�"

John 18:37: "To this cease was I born�[referring to the Messiah�s concrete nascency from Mary]"

Matthew 2:1: "When Jesus was born in Bethlehem�[referring to his physical nascency from Mary]"

Spiritualize these references if we like, but nosotros will be like Nicodemus, not knowing these things.


In Scripture there is an expression that means �born once more�. This is paligenesia or palin (again) plus genesis (born). At that place are just two occurrences and this is how they accept been translated:

Matthew 19:28: "Verily I say unto you, That ye which take followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.�"

Titus 3:5: "�but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;�"

Information technology is not advisable to expand this new subject here, other than to again note the Tribes of Israel limitation.

What is Being Said?

Only this, there is a great difference between �begotten� and �built-in�. Begetal refers to conception whereas born refers to concrete birth. The Greek discussion, gennao, means conception or beget (when used of men) and physical birth (when used of women). Unless a person is begotten of the line that arises from the original sowing, the bearing of YEHOVAH God, that person does not come up to incorporate the ability to perceive the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. This is what the Messiah said to Nicodemus!

-- Edited by John D. Keyser.

Hope of Israel Ministries -- Preparing the Way for the Return of YEHOVAH God and His Messiah!

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